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We partner with customers to enhance workflows, increase efficiency and optimize business processes by leveraging software, platforms, and managed services.
S&P Global Mobility solutions provide automakers and suppliers with unique insights and trends on over a dozen domains, 150+ components, and three hundred technologies that make up the car.
Kensho, a company of S&P Global, researches, develops and implements leading AI and machine learning capabilities that bring structure and insights to complex data and deliver innovative solutions and capabilities to our clients.
We help our clients uncover relevant insights, faster — using our real time market monitoring dashboard, data visualization tools, and search capabilities to separate the immaterial from the invaluable.
Ratings360® provides rated issuers with a holistic picture of their organization's credit story. Create hypothetical "what if" scenarios based on your inputs and our criteria, and gain a better understanding of our rating methodology.
World-class AI solutions discover, extract, link and enrich unstructured data, creating value for users at all levels and roles in an organization. Whether you’re looking to use Kensho's AI technology solutions on your own data or to leverage the unparalleled breadth, depth and accuracy of S&P Global's sources, Kensho unlocks insights in hard-to-get-to data, making it accessible, insightful, relevant and, ultimately, transformative.
Our proven software solutions and analytics help buy- and sell-side firms uncover insights, increase efficiency, reduce and manage risk and maintain compliance.
We offer multiple deployment models, including hosted and managed service options.