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Transition Tracker

Find clarity on the market risks and opportunities shaping the transition to a sustainable future

The transition to a sustainable future offers market opportunities at unprecedented speed and scale, alongside complex environmental, corporate governance, human capital, policy, and regulatory risks. The S&P Global Transition Tracker provides essential clarity bringing together analytics and outlooks from across S&P Global business divisions.

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  • Africa
  • Asia Pacific
  • Europe
  • Latin America & Caribbean
  • Middle East
  • United States & Canada

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  • All Sectors
  • Communication Services
  • Consumer Discretionary
  • Consumer Staples
  • Energy
  • Financials
  • Health Care
  • Industrials
  • Information Technology
  • Materials
  • Real Estate
  • Utilities



0 companies

Update: May 2024. ©2024 by S&P Global Inc. Sources: S&P Global Commodity Insights, S&P Global Market Intelligence, S&P Global Mobility, S&P Global Ratings, S&P Global Sustainable1

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Energy demand

  • Energy demand
  • Electricity supply

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  • Gas
  • Oil
  • Coal
  • Electricity
  • Renewables

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Update: May 2024. ©2024 by S&P Global Inc. Sources: S&P Global Commodity Insights, S&P Global Market Intelligence, S&P Global Mobility, S&P Global Ratings, S&P Global Sustainable1

We anticipate that Green, Social, Sustainability, and Sustainability-Linked Bond (GSSSB) issuance will increase modestly to $0.95 trillion-$1.05 trillion in 2024, from $0.98 trillion in 2023, representing a 12% to 14% forecasted share of the total market.

Copyright © 2024 by Standard and Poor's Financial Services LLC. All rights reserved.

    All regions  |   All sectors


    All Regions

    • All Regions
    • Africa
    • Asia Pacific
    • Europe
    • Latin America & Caribbean
    • Middle East
    • United States & Canada


    All Sectors

    • All Sectors
    • Communication Services
    • Consumer Discretionary
    • Consumer Staples
    • Energy
    • Financials
    • Health Care
    • Industrials
    • Information Technology
    • Materials
    • Real Estate
    • Utilities



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    Find clarity in the transition


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